Vitality Update 09.06.19

Posted on September 6, 2019.
Messiah Church,
As we continue the journey on the Vitality Pathway with the ECC, we (the vitality team) will be giving updates on a weekly basis to keep you informed on the goings on of the team and the church. You will find the team listed at the end of this email. Every Friday, please check your email inbox for a “Vitality Friday” update.
Throughout the summer the team tackled five of ten suggested tasks to facilitate the clarifying and strengthening of our mission at Messiah Church. Meeting monthly we looked to:
Debriefing our Veritas experience and the follow-up PULSE survey. We were heartened by the congregation’s participation in thoughtful and transparent ways. 
Creating a new Relational Covenant which clearly states how we walk hand in hand when we do not see eye to eye.  
Gathering to find our Biblical story. What a great morning of sharing! 
Initiating communication between the team, council, and congregation. 
Praying, praying, praying. Join us in this daily as we seek God’s face for renewal, revival, and transformation within us and among us.
In the weeks ahead, be on the lookout for the following:
  • Friday, September 13th: We will send out the Relational Covenant as a call to a new way of living together.
  • Sunday, September 22nd: After church we will debrief the PULSE survey with you and have copies available of the full results for you to look at.
  • Coming in September: A Vitality Corner in the Fellowship Hall where you can receive paper copies of everything sent in email, as well as stay updated on the Vitality Pathway.
Our Vitality pathway is not a program. It is a process. “Something good happens to us as we simply walk the pathway. We develop a common language and an understanding of vitality; our hearts become more responsive to the Holy Spirit’s leading; old wounds are healed; ministry is released; resources are aligned; and people become Christians; the list goes on and on.”
Continue with us in prayer, as we walk this Pathway together.
Larry Francis (Vitality Chair), Mary Francis, Marilyn Humphry, Sara Hunt, Therese Racklyeft, Toni Gibson, Pastor Ara Koliantz.