Vitality Update 09.20.19

Posted on September 20, 2019.
Messiah Church,
Many of us participated in Veritas and/or PULSE as steps in our Vitality pathway.   These are tools of self-evaluation. PULSE diagnoses the vitality of the church using the Ten Healthy (pursuing Christ) Missional (pursuing Christ’s priorities in the world) markers and a number of other factors.  
“One of the goals of PULSE is to stimulate conversation, not to solve every problem confronting the church.  The answers are not in the data, the answers are in the conversations that the leadership and the congregation have regarding this information.”  
We will participate in one of these conversation this Sunday immediately following the worship service.  Together we will look at the data analyzed from our June PULSE survey.  The participant responses are grouped to show where we perceive our strengths and growth areas.  There is a summary and suggested next steps.
You do not want to miss this vital debrief.  We ALL need to be part of this conversation! See you Sunday directly after worship time.